Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Northwest UU Justice Summit at BUF!

On October 10th, the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship will be hosting and co-sponsoring the 5th Annual Northwest UU Justice Summit.  This is a regional gathering of UUs and other justice-oriented folks, reviewing and tackling the social and environmental issues of our time.

This year's theme is Allied for Justice.  In the morning, we'll listen to TED-style talks from representatives of Lummi Nation and from Community to Community.  They will brief us on their powerful work on issues ranging from national sovereignty to food sovereignty, from preserving our sacred lands and planet to preserving our democracy.

During afternoon breakout sessions, attendees with particular issues of concern (or participants looking for their next issue!) will gather in issue-oriented groups.  Throughout the day, we will discover new resources, forge relationships and collaborate to create positive change.  Many will exchange email addresses or decide to convene new or expanded issue-support groups.

Last year, 26 congregations sent participants to the Summit, with 119 registrants coming from three states.  Will you be among them this year?  Will we be international this year?! How might that give more power to our work?

Register for the 2015 Annual Justice Summit: http://tinyurl.com/Register2015Summit
Learn more about the Summit Program: http://tinyurl.com/2015SummitProgram

See you in October.


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